Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feingold Battling A Mood Change

The mood of the country - not just Wisconsin - is we need real change.  Not the crap Captain Kick-Ass is trying to jam down our throats.  This mood against incumbents does not bode well for Russell and in my opinion - it doesn't matter how he goes - just that he goes.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Election 2010: Wisconsin Senate - Latest Poll Results

Check out the latest Rasmussen poll results -  Johnson by 7.

Wis. Senate Race Pits Maverick Against 'Rich Guy'

Funny isnt' it - I mean that everyone keeps calling Russell a maverick.  Oh yeah, I guess we should hate Johnson because he made something of himself.

Is The Sky Falling? A WI Paper Endorses A Republican Candidate

Yes people - you read that correctly - a media outlet, not named FOX, endorsed a Republican candidate. A
Wausau paper endorsed Pam Galloway as someone that deserves a shot.  I am not sure how to take this - should I..........go to church and pray for salvation.......check the calendar to see if it is April the news to see if hell froze over - I'll think of something.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Barrett Doesn't Believe Most People In Wisconsin Know Who Mitt Romney Is

Barrett just doesn't get it.  The days when a career politician can call the voting public mis-informed and ignorant are quickly coming to an end.  I only hope he gets the message on November 2nd when he is forced to give his "Aw Shucks speech".

Milwaukee Area Businesses Raising Health Insurance Rates

Take a look at what Obamacare is going to do to the Milwaukee area insurance rates for 2011.  Remember when all of you were told that it would save you money?  Pay close attention to what it does to small business insurance - can you say path to single payer?  Just what the Liberals always wanted.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Johnson's Companies Used Prison Workers

When did it become a bad thing to make money in this state?  I keep hearing from the Liberals that Ron Johnson is just out for the rich people - well guess what you moronic Liberal jack wagons?  The rich are the people that provide the jobs!
I would have to believe that it was a Liberal that set up the prison work program to begin with - so deal with it!

Local Companies Shut Out Of Renard Isle Causeway Bidding

Here is an example of the federal government at work.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers negotiated a contract with a Milwaukee contractor to build a causeway in the Fox Valley area for $1.7 million more than what 2 Fox Valley area contractors bid to do it.
Can anyone out there explain the thinking of the standard government moron to me?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Feingold's New Ad

Russ makes it sound like Ron Johnson wants to take away everyone's health care (but Russ took away many people's choice in doctors and providers), that Ron Johnson would raise the price of health care (but Russ did that when his vote increased the pool of insured people - thus raising our rates) and if Ron Johnson were in the Senate he would not have voted for this crap law anyway.

100 US Senators - 57 Lawyers

I really thought the total would have been more than that.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Milwaukee Radio Host Mark Belling Wrong About Feingold Ad

Mark Belling is the host of a conservative talk radio show in Milwaukee.  He is on record accusing Feingold of running a fake TV ad from his driveway.  The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal immediately went on a fact finding mission to prove Belling wrong - which it appears they have.  Below is Belling's response:

The Russ Feingold campaign team, also known as the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal staff
Feingold’s latest fake campaign ad, unlike his other fake campaign ads, is not a fake. It
may be phony and disingenuous, but it’s not a fake.