Saturday, October 2, 2010

Milwaukee Radio Host Mark Belling Wrong About Feingold Ad

Mark Belling is the host of a conservative talk radio show in Milwaukee.  He is on record accusing Feingold of running a fake TV ad from his driveway.  The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal immediately went on a fact finding mission to prove Belling wrong - which it appears they have.  Below is Belling's response:

The Russ Feingold campaign team, also known as the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal staff
Feingold’s latest fake campaign ad, unlike his other fake campaign ads, is not a fake. It
may be phony and disingenuous, but it’s not a fake.

I have reached this conclusion despite the fact that the ad appears to me, and many others
who have viewed it, to be an edit job in which Feingold was superimposed into video of
his venerable Middleton house. I have been trying to reconcile the fake look of the ad
with the evidence the ad is not fake. Here’s what I come up with:
Feingold has spent so many years inventing his phony image of being a “maverick” while
actually voting in tandem with the Harry Reid crowd to tax and spend that he now looks
like a fake even in person. How else to explain the manufactured unnatural look in the ad
with the reality that it was indeed the actual Feingold at his house? Russ has been such a
fake for 20 years that he looks like a fake when he’s not really faking. It sure fooled me.
Russ, my deepest apologies.
Even in backing down, however, I must note the warp speed at which the Sentinel
Journal pursued the evident wrongness of my allegation. (They sure don’t seem to move
as quickly on all the stuff I get right.) I have argued that the newspaper’s new political
fact check operation would not declare a single Republican ad this election season to be
true. Now, they’ve moved beyond ads and on to me. I look forward to their report
debunking the ridiculous Shepherd Express attack on Leah Vukmir or the union
newsletter charges against Scott Walker.
So anyway, the Russ ad that looks so fake apparently isn’t fake. This is in contrast to the
ad in which he faked the existence of a Wisconsin woman who got a stimulus job, faked
Ron Johnson’s position on drilling for oil in the Great Lakes and used a DC lobbyist as a
fake Wisconsinite praising Russ’ sincerity. Feingold actually can make an ad that isn’t
fake! Who knew? 
I hope Russ continues to run non-fake ads. I hope he doesn’t claim Ron Johnson’s trying
to steal the old folks’ social security and doesn’t claim he isn’t part of the Washington
liberal establishment. That’d be the ultimate fakeout.

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