Thursday, July 29, 2010

Candidate For The 5th Assembly District Fletcher Signed Taxpayer Protection Pledge

I like the idea of candidates signing a document in front of witnesses that they will not vote for anything that increases taxes.  Who in their right mind would do something like that - Craig Fletcher.  He says he will actually read the legislation and not vote for any tax increases so - as of right now - I say vote for this guy now!

County Clerk Calls Commuter Rail Tax Referendums A 'Huge Waste' Of Money

I read the article and I must have missed why this would be a waste of taxpayer money.  I don't know if he feels that the cost of adding it to the ballot is a waste because the public should overwhelmingly vote this down or because the RTA referendum will only be for people in the RTA district.

Johnson 48% - Feingold 46%

In the latest Rasmussen poll Johnson has a slim lead on Feingold in the race for the US Senate.  It is universally accepted that any incumbent with less than 50% of the projected vote is considered vulnerable.  We can only hope that the majority of the state sees the need for new blood in the Senate.

Senate Committee Passes Landmark Earmark Transparency Legislation Backed By Feingold

This would be a good start on the transparency that Captain Kick-ass promised.  I wonder if we will get more than 5 minutes to check it out.

Janesville School Board Votes Yes To 4% Tax Increase

On Tuesday, the Janesville School Board voted to increase taxes by 4%.  They agreed on the 4% tax hike and the proposed cuts that may or may not happen.  A large portion of the proposed cuts come from furlough days for all of the school employees.  The teachers union still needs to ok the furlough days.  If they refuse then get ready for the students to lose out on a lot of things. 
I have the utmost confidence that the teachers union will ok the furlough days because it is a small sacrifice for the betterment of the children.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 Madison Budget Meetings Set For August

Madison residents will have the opportunity to tell city officials how they want their tax money spent at 3 scheduled meetings.
Get out and let your voice be heard.

Wolf Attacks On The Rise - Time For De-Listing And Pack Control

In WI the wolf population is way beyond what was called for when the wolf was reintroduced into the state.  The DNR's bet guess (which is a minimum) at the wolf population for the 2009-2010 winter season is between 690 - 733 wolves.  This does not include pups or wolves on Indian reservations because (my best guess) pups don't grow up and the wolves on the reservation would never leave.
It is not hard to believe that the depredation of dogs is on a record pace in 2010.  The time for wolf management is at hand and is supported by the Wisconsin Conservation Congress and the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation.
The proposed management plan requires a minimum of 375 wolves in either Zone 1 or Zone 2 for a hunt to occur.......let's get it moving DNR!!
Here is a list of links to help keep you abreast of the wolf situation:
Caution areas because of confirmed attacks on dogs
Maps showing the wolf packs
DNR wolf observation form

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Janesville School Board Considers Cuts

It strikes me as funny how the Liberals and the teachers keep stating how the money in the budget is all about the kids.  Janesville is considering a tax increase of 2% or 4% or 6% for the budget shortfalls.  Each percentage comes with fewer things cut out of the budget.  Speaking as a taxpayer without any kids in the Janesville school system - why do I have to pay more to insure that the teachers continue to get a pay raise and benefits paid for (I didn't get one this year or 2 years ago). 
It is my opinion that the teachers take a pay freeze - take some furlough days and let the kids keep all of the programs that will be cut by the budget shortfall.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Paul Ryan - A Plan for Posterity

This is a 23 minute speech given to the US Chamber of Commerce.  Is our future worth 23 minutes of your time?

Top 5 Reasons We Say "No Tax For Tracks" In Dane County!

5. We don't want to have the highest sales tax in the state!
         The proposed half-cent increase in the slaes tax needed to pay for the train's operating subsidy would give Dane County the highest sales tax in Wisconsin!
          People would shop elsewhere fo rbig-ticket items like furniture, cars, boats, and building supplies for new homes, which will kill good-paying jobs.  Also, a sales tax is a regressive tax that hits the poor the hardest - those with the least ability to pay!

Doyle Declares Milwaukee County Disaster Emergency

The storms that rolled through Milwaukee county on Thursday dumped a recorded rainfall of 8 inches on Mitchell Airport.  Here is what can happen from getting that much rain in that short of time.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Apparently Promises Are Only Good For One Term

Look what I found here.  Before the Janesville boy made it big on a federal level he promised to only take campaign contributions from people in WI but 54% of his contributions come from out of state.  So Russell - you make a promise when it suits your needs and throw it away when it suits your needs.  You are the career politician we need to remove.

Russell Feingold Just May Need A Reminder

When Feingold was challenged by Michels he came up with the 2004 Clean Pledge Campaign.  He could use this tactic because he didn't see Michels as the threat that Ron Johnson appears to be.  Feingold's own camp feels this race is different - this is the first race he could lose.

Will Steve Kagan Return His Dirty Money?

Steve Kagan accepted a $21k campaign contribution from Charles Rangel.  Now that Rangel has been charged by the ethics committee will Kagan give the money back?

American Federation of Teachers, Local 212 Endorses Chris Larson for State Senate

Here is the letter from Democratic hopeful Chris Larson thanking Local 212 for their support in the race for WI State Senate District 7.

Feingold Campaign: Johnson Opposes Funding For New Police Officers On Milwaukee Streets

A little clarification may be needed when reading the Feingold article - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) he is talking about is the renaming of the stimulus legislation.  Feingold supported and voted for the stimulus and Ron Johnson's stance was to let the recovery happen on its own.   

Feingold Supports Using Taxpayer Dollars to Sue Arizona

Read Ron Johnson's press release at this link

Some Good News In WI Manufacturing

WMEP a private, nonprofit consulting organization - generated an economic impact of $164 million with 973 jobs created and retained during the past fiscal year.  I thought just about all of the manufacturing had left Wisconsin never to return - so seeing some growth in the manufacturing industry is awesome.

Walker Introduces Pension Reform Plan to Save Nearly $180 Million a Year

Unlike the other candidates for governor - Walker has come out and detailed his state pension reform plan.  I do not doubt that Scott is not very popular with state employees but when state pensions are eating up as much taxpayer money as they are - something has to be done.  The age of free government pensions is over.

Mark Neumann Proposes Monthly Property-Tax Payments

Neumann's plan would suspend property tax payments in 2011 for those who agree to send their property tax payment each month starting in 2012.
Both Walker and Barrett aren't buying into the plan.  They both believe it is a bunch of BS.

McCormick Gets Endorsement From Right To Life

Terri McCormick, a Republican, is looking to take Steve Kagan's seat in the House.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

MPS Staffed Painters Are Making $98k A Year

MPS is facing a $33 million deficit and the staffed painters are making $98k a year.  If it is a corporation hiring the painters - they can choose anyone they want to but when the taxpayers are footing the bill these salaries are unacceptable.  The private sector can always do it better and cheaper because the market will dictate the price.

MPS Teachers Unaware Of Mass Layoffs

This is an amusing clip of a protest by the teachers of the MPS.  The reporter asks many of the protesting teachers why they were taken by surprise by the layoffs when it is discussed at all of the budget meetings.
Most of the answers for not attending were because they were doing lesson planning.......they better plan a little harder because according to Milwaukee public schools has 8 of the worst 100 schools (test scores) in the country - IN THE COUNTRY and 2 in the top 5.

DNR Publishing Textbook On The Effects Of Climate Change

If you ask me what I think about the DNR putting out literature on the bogus climate change for school kids to read - I would first look at their track record of being truthful, forthright and upstand.......(Ha Ha) I almost made it through that without vomiting.  The DNR has lied and hosed up more things than I care to list........they might as well indoctrinate the young mush heads too!

Who Claimed The Most Money In Per Diem In 2009

This is a legal practice that - in my humble opinion - is grossly abused.  Don't sweat it though........those sappy taxpayers foot the bill.

State Supreme Court Ruling Makes A $200 Million Hole In State Budget

You know this will get put off until the new governor is in office.  Just a little gift from our lame duck - lame assed governor.  The court ruled illegal money transfer is not Doyle's only piggy bank he is transferring from.

Things Are Heating Up Between Johnson And Feingold In US Senate Race

It is a little surprising that Feingold waited this long to start the mud slinging.  It appears that Mr. Johnson doesn't take kindly to being slung at.

The 5 Great Lakes States Sueing The Federal Government

The federal government is refusing to close the Chicago - area shipping locks so Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota and Pennsylvania - for the 3rd time - to make them by going through the court system.  The reason for the lawsuit is to stop the asian carp from reaching Lake Michigan.  It is feared that if the carp make it to the Great Lakes it will ruin the billion dollar sport fishing industry.  Watch the clip below to see what these fish are capable of.