Sunday, May 8, 2011

Oshkosh Teachers Guaranteed 90 Sick Days Per Contracted Year

Oh yes - you read the title correctly - 90 sick days for every contracted year.  I guess I should use the terms they use - income protection - but it is under the "sick leave" article 20 of the collective bargaining agreement.

1 comment:

  1. And doesn't this just burn your a$$! This is why I support Walker and what he's trying to do. I'm so sick of paying for wasted things that people destroy or taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Remember how they said Grothman said the people were smelly and it stunk? Well I know someone who worked there and they said it was true. Do you think all the people that stayed there went and showered and cleaned up? And there was defecation on the floor. This was just piggish and I wish to he-- that they would grow up! They act like little children that don't get their way so let's throw sme tantrums and how about sending the cleanup bills to the Democrats and their friendly union buddies? Why should we pay for their shi@!
