Friday, March 11, 2011

Walker's Donors Being Boycotted

In the latest attempt to hurt Madison businesses (because we know that their view point is the only view point) - union whinners continue their mob mentality and go after M&I bank.  M&I received TARP money and donated money to Walker's campaign so 2 union workers walked into the bank and withdrew $192,000 dollars on the spot.  They say they will hit the GOP where it hurts - in the pocket book.
Union workers, the little people, the right and just - how may of you out there can walk into the bank right now and withdraw $81,000 (making an assumption that each union person pulled half the above total)?  It would appear that they are making way more than the people paying them.

1 comment:

  1. Or the union workers could also have been from the treasurer of some locals that deposit their money in some of these institutions. The Grand Lodge is probably telling them to take it out! They will do anything to keep their power and their money so they can live high! People can't see beyond their own greed and how much this will be better for them. It's time to wake up and see what's really going on. But you know there are more followers than leaders out there. The unions are in sheep's clothing and then there are all the meek little lambs! You know what they say about the mentality of sheep. The scenario is like PoetryInMotion (just go with the flow and create havoc like a tsunami)
