Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Democrats Have To Go To Senate Floor To Get Paid

On Tuesday, the state senate changed the law so if a member of the Senate misses 2 straight sessions they can no longer have their checks directly deposited into their bank accounts.  They have to come to the floor of the Senate to get them from the majority leader.  Nice move but y question is - why and the hell are they getting paid at all?!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%! They say they are working. Really? And how exactly does that work? The same way the teachers are? The kids are probably learning a lot more without them. One thing is that it's not all about them like the teachers say! When the teachers decide to come back then it should be the kids turn to take the same amount of days off. I'm sure those same doctors would make out sick slips for them too! Just the kind of doctor I'd like to go to, one that lies to you. How reputable! Need drugs anyone?
    Give me pills, pills, lots of pills.
    I have headaches, fever and chills.
    You must be sick, take some days off.
    You look bad, do you have a cough?
    I'll give you a slip, so you won't lose your job.
    Well, I hope they do, the whole frickin mob! PoetryInMotion
