Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Union Protesters At Choice School

Scott Walker wasn't the only one to visit Messmer Preparatory Catholic School but he was the only one there to read to the students.  Messmer Preparatory Catholic School is a choice school - which means that the teacher's union does not think highly of it.  Why would they like a school that has 85% of its graduates go on to college?
I'm not even going to bring up the vandalism (not done by the union - wink wink)
Watch the video and pay attention around the 1 minute mark for the protester running into Brother Bob.  The ole intimidation technique........it doesn't work.  When are these assholes going to realize that the old union ways don't work anymore.  You people are a joke!

1 comment:

  1. Good God! To think a lot of these people could be teaching our children. What could they possibly teach them? Follow by example? They do need to grow up before they can teach children who really know more than these greedy people do before they're taught corruption. If these people would really sit down and check out what really will happen if they give it some time they might like it! Unions get people from all over to come to protest at places that have anything that might hurt the unions. They don't even live in the community much less the state. To think I used to be one of them! The more I watch things like this, the more ashamed I am of myself to even have supported a mafia type organization. People don't think for themselves they become a collective thought that is perpetual in it's endeavor to manipulate great masses to their way of thinking and doing the best they can to keep power and money on their side! This summer, my husband and I both received letters from the locals we belonged to before retiring. They had even though we didn't live in the districts that had recalls, we could still help out. So they were calling out their little army again to do their dirty work. They also asked for each member to pay $5.00 toward the cause. Ha! That's a joke. If the top dogs would all give a little of their income which would still leave them more than enough to live high off the hog with, they wouldn't have to ask the ones who don't have much to pitch in. The age of unions is over because they cause more damage than they are worth! Pensions are nice but they must be sustainable and must have the employee contribute toward it. Wages cannot keep going up forever. Things have to come back into perspective and people have to come together to realize this and make it work before we can expect to get more jobs in our country!
