When Governor Walker signed the budget bill into law - it limited collective bargaining rights for government unions and in this posting I'm focusing on the teacher's union.
The Kaukauna School District's agreement with the teachers union required the school district to purchase health insurance coverage from something called WEA Trust -- a company created by the Wisconsin teachers union. As stated above - per the collective bargain agreement the school district could not shop WEA's price - this year, WEA Trust told Kaukauna that it would face a significant increase in premiums but because Kaukauna did not rush to sign a new agreement with the teacher's union - electing instead to see what the new law would do for them - they were able to shop the cost of insurance.
This is probably going to come as a shock to many of you but the WEA Trust has been sticking it to the school district, taxpayers and ultimately the little kids (because as the union tells us, CONSTANTLY, it really is all about the kids) for years. To those of you who were shocked from the above sentence this may give you a stroke - WEA Trust said they would match the low bid to remain the insurance provider.
The Kaukauna School District has decided to stay with WEA Trust for now and I'm going to head off any Liberals reading this posting.........I'm sure that this is the only school district in the state that the union really doesn't care about the little kids.
That school district sure has some naive people on board! If I found out that they were sticking it to me, they would be the last ones I'd want and the first to get rid of them.PIM