Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sen. Tim Cullen Wants Amendment To Stop Fleeing Legislators

You read it correctly people!  One of  the fleebagging jack-wagons wants to make sure a method of avoiding a vote (which is technically legal) can only be used by Democrats.
Although he and the other 13 fleebaggers are being considered (and consider themselves) big government union heroes - he doesn't want the Republicans to use the same tactic if the Liberals regain the majority in the next election.  It would seem to me that the only reason to change a tactic that is legal and acceptable is because they can't wash the stink off of themselves for doing it.
An amendment to the state's constitution must be passed by 2 consecutive legislatures.  I hope the taxpayers in this state are smart enough to keep the Liberals in their place - the minority!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the Republicans never stoop that low. You face your problems you don't run away from them. The Democrats that left were men and women Yes? Did they all stay in the same hotel? Hmmmm----makes you wonder doesn't it?
