Last night we attended the Liberal - union protest outside of Janesville's Holiday Inn Express. It was good to see that all of the unions were represented - UAW, IBEW, Teacher's Union and Teamsters. The Teamsters were nice enough to bring a semi-trailer with protest signs - so that this "real grass roots movement" didn't have to make them on their own.
Why the protest you ask? Governor Walker gave a speech at the Forward Janesville annual dinner. Why did we go? My girlfriend and I have seen so many of the signs protesting the removal of worker's rights and stop the war on state workers - we were interested in finding out (from a protesting union Liberal) what the definition of a state worker is. I wanted a good, honest, well thought out answer so I found a gentlemen wearing a UAW t-shirt holding and a 'stop the war on state workers' sign.
Here is a small sample of the conversation:
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance! ~ Thomas Jefferson. Republicans - WE ARE WATCHING!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
West DePere Union Head Ousted For Not Being Radical Enough
Here is the resigning union head Stu Betts' letter to fellow WDPEA members announcing the new union head.
The letter makes me believe that Stu was entirely too level headed to be union leader.
The letter makes me believe that Stu was entirely too level headed to be union leader.
Wonder How Your School District Is Impacted By Budget Bill?
Well my friends - wonder no longer. Click on this link to see how your school district is impacted.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Janesville Teacher's Union Says No To Contract Concessions
The Janesville teacher's union has said "no" once again to contract concessions. They are going to come up with a plan to save the district money but they won't put it in writing - we should trust them.
All the Janesville residents don't fret - they can always raise property taxes again! My suggestion is that they fire all of them and bring in some new teachers!
All the Janesville residents don't fret - they can always raise property taxes again! My suggestion is that they fire all of them and bring in some new teachers!
Dane County Judge Ruled Wrongly In Budget Repair Bill
The Dane county judge ruled that the Republicans did not follow legislative rules when they voted in favor of the budget repair bill. Before all you Libs get bent out of shape let us look at the rule (written in 1983) by 2 of the senators that ran to Illinois to avoid the vote - Cullen and Risser - Senate Rule 93 says that when the Legislature is in special session, "A notice of a committee meeting is not required other than posting on the legislative bulletin board." A first year law student should be able to tell that the judge passed this off to the appeals court because she didn't want to deal with this.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Catalyst Exhibits, Inc Moving From Illinois To Pleasant Prairie, WI
Catalyst Exhibits, Inc is moving to Pleasant Prairie. They currently have 88 employees with a plan to hire 25 more. It's a start.
Unions Are Asked To Boycott The Businesses That Support Walker
Here is the info the government unions are getting out to their members. Any business that is considered a major contributor to Walker will either publicly denounce Walker and his bill or the unions will boycott their business. Apparently, giving anyone that type of ultimatum is only extortion in the movies.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Senator Randy Hopper Living Outside Of His District
Senator Hopper is one of the 8 Republicans the Liberals are trying to recall because of his yes vote on the budget repair bill. Dawn Meyer is accusing him of living outside of his district which is a no no.
If I may give the Senator some proven excuses if the accusation is true:
He could say that he is gay and fears for his life if people know his address. (This worked for Tammy Baldwin when she was challenged)
He could say that he is only temporarily living outside the district because he is going through a divorce. (This worked for Mike Sheridan when he was challenged)
I'm sorry Randy - how could I forget? I gave you proven Liberal excuses - you are probably screwed!
If I may give the Senator some proven excuses if the accusation is true:
He could say that he is gay and fears for his life if people know his address. (This worked for Tammy Baldwin when she was challenged)
He could say that he is only temporarily living outside the district because he is going through a divorce. (This worked for Mike Sheridan when he was challenged)
I'm sorry Randy - how could I forget? I gave you proven Liberal excuses - you are probably screwed!
Sen. Tim Cullen Wants Amendment To Stop Fleeing Legislators
You read it correctly people! One of the fleebagging jack-wagons wants to make sure a method of avoiding a vote (which is technically legal) can only be used by Democrats.
Although he and the other 13 fleebaggers are being considered (and consider themselves) big government union heroes - he doesn't want the Republicans to use the same tactic if the Liberals regain the majority in the next election. It would seem to me that the only reason to change a tactic that is legal and acceptable is because they can't wash the stink off of themselves for doing it.
An amendment to the state's constitution must be passed by 2 consecutive legislatures. I hope the taxpayers in this state are smart enough to keep the Liberals in their place - the minority!
Although he and the other 13 fleebaggers are being considered (and consider themselves) big government union heroes - he doesn't want the Republicans to use the same tactic if the Liberals regain the majority in the next election. It would seem to me that the only reason to change a tactic that is legal and acceptable is because they can't wash the stink off of themselves for doing it.
An amendment to the state's constitution must be passed by 2 consecutive legislatures. I hope the taxpayers in this state are smart enough to keep the Liberals in their place - the minority!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Apparently It Is All About The Children
These are the people educating today's youth. I was looking for a poor little kid in a wheelchair made from a discarded lawnchair but it would appear that the teacher's union hasn't quite gotten down to that level yet. I would have asked all of the kids to explain to me who Scott Walker is and why he has to go. Oh - that's right with the sh!tty state of public education they wouldn't have been able to get the kids to learn it in time anyway.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Teachers Worth The $125k They EARN
I know there are a few shockers in this posting.
1. CBS ran this on 60 minutes and it does not support the union philosophy of teaching.
2. That there are teachers worth a $125k salary.
3. That teachers can earn that pay with the public funding that the school receives.
1. CBS ran this on 60 minutes and it does not support the union philosophy of teaching.
2. That there are teachers worth a $125k salary.
3. That teachers can earn that pay with the public funding that the school receives.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
WEAC Extortion Letter To Fox Valley Business Community
The Fox Valley Chapter of Wisconsin Education Association Council made their extortion attempt in a letter to about 1,400 members of the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The letter didn't really have the desired response they were hoping for. The article has comments from one business man that would mirror mine - "WEAC leads me to believe if I don't sign their pledge to support collective bargaining they would take action to prevent teachers from supporting my business, and that seems unfortunate,"
The government unions seem to not understand that the more they keep themselves in the news - the more the public is getting to see just what they really are.
The government unions seem to not understand that the more they keep themselves in the news - the more the public is getting to see just what they really are.
Unions Give M&I Ultimatum

As if their actions during the protests didn't show to whom their allegiance lies - this letter makes it official.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Walker's Donors Being Boycotted
In the latest attempt to hurt Madison businesses (because we know that their view point is the only view point) - union whinners continue their mob mentality and go after M&I bank. M&I received TARP money and donated money to Walker's campaign so 2 union workers walked into the bank and withdrew $192,000 dollars on the spot. They say they will hit the GOP where it hurts - in the pocket book.
Union workers, the little people, the right and just - how may of you out there can walk into the bank right now and withdraw $81,000 (making an assumption that each union person pulled half the above total)? It would appear that they are making way more than the people paying them.
Union workers, the little people, the right and just - how may of you out there can walk into the bank right now and withdraw $81,000 (making an assumption that each union person pulled half the above total)? It would appear that they are making way more than the people paying them.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Ever Wonder About Madison Teachers Retirement Package?
I wondered just exactly what they have collectively bargained for over the years and without further ado here it is.
I personally found pages 4 & 7 the most interesting.
I personally found pages 4 & 7 the most interesting.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Racine Teacher's Union Reaches Tentative Contract Agreement
In a race to get a contract done before the budget repair bill goes through - the Racine teacher's union has reached a tentative agreement to a pay freeze, paying half their pension contributions and picking up the some of the tab for their health benefits. This would be a savings of $18 million of the $25 million projected budget. 72% of the Racine school budget goes to the teachers? But wait! I have been told that it is all about the kids. This has me thinking it might be about the teachers and their union after all.
Oh yeah - in 2 years when this contract is up they will collectively bargain to make that up with interest!
Oh yeah - in 2 years when this contract is up they will collectively bargain to make that up with interest!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Erpenbach's Paycheck Is In The Mail
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Private Citizen Sues Democratic Senator
Kevin Barthel has had enough of the games the Senate Democrats have been playing and he has filed suit against Jim Holperin. If a writ were issued and Senator Holperin didn’t comply, he’d be guilty of a class H felony pursuant to WisState 783,07.
On behalf of the countless people that feel the same as you do - Thank you.
On behalf of the countless people that feel the same as you do - Thank you.
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