Thursday, December 23, 2010

More State Workers Considering Retirement

It would appear that the incoming governor has the state workers worried about their future.  In 2010, requests for retirement estimates, or information about accounts and eligibility for benefits upon retirement, are up about 8 percent over 2009. In just the past two weeks, requests are up 80 percent over last year, officials said.

Observers Blast Secret Doyle Cancun Trip

Just some observers blast our lame duck governor's trip to Cancun when he has less than a month left in office?  Hell, even the Liberals that think this moron did anything good for our state should be outraged by this.  His trip was paid for by someone wanting a favor (I'm sure) but a staffer and his 2 body guards were on the taxpayer dime. 
The following quote from UW professor Charles Franklin sums it all up pretty well - "He's not going to be around next year or the future to affect green energy in the state," Charles Franklin, a UW political science professor, said, questioning what a lame-duck governor could accomplish in a trip during his last few weeks in office.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Walker: Dump State Tax On Health Savings Accounts

If this is a sign of things to come I am liking what I am seeing.  Wisconsin is one of 4 states
that has a tax on health savings accounts.  Hell, the federal government doesn't even rape us on this.

Wisconsin State Employees Union OKs Contract

The outgoing Democratic majority had to stick it to the WI taxpayers at least one more time before they are gone.  It is expected that they will pass the deal struck by the largest state government union for an increase of 5% to 7% contributions for healthcare and 0.2% to 0.8% for pensions.
This should sufficiently piss the incoming governor off because he is looking for the union to contribute 12% to their pensions - which would be more in line with the private sector.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Superior Rejects Ban On Fast Food Toys

Wow!  A vote to keep government from taking one more step closer to parenting your children for you.  The Superior Councilors voted against the ban on toys and trinkets in fast food meals because it should be a a parent's decision if the child gets the fast food meal not the governments'.

Wisconsin Losing Train Money

Taxpayers in the state of Wisconsin have a reason to rejoice today - the federal money has been pulled for the useless Milwaukee to Madison train and we escaped owing only $14 million.

650 People Pack Madison High-speed Rail Open House Hosted By Minnesota DOT

At a recent rally there were 650 people still holding onto that pipe dream that this train is going to happen.  One of the people at the rally was a 72 year old woman that made the comment "how much longer do people want me to be on the roads?"
Can someone explain to me how many 72 year olds can afford the $60+ round trip ticket?  How often would she use the train from Miwaukee to Madison and why?  If she can afford it - shouldn't she be a good Liberal, stay home and pay more taxes to support government entitlement programs?