Protests over the budget repair bill are heating up and it would appear that neither side is showing any signs of caving in. For most of the week the bill's opposition has had the square around the capital all to themselves but today the bill's supporters got their chance to heard.
I have to commend both sides for being civil to each other. It is always a circus in Madison but when you have a biker in a leather vest and chains carrying around a sign that says "Be civil - the nation is watching" how can you be anything but?
Let me give you a comments on what I saw today:
I saw a multitude of UW students that feel they have a good grasp on what is going on without actually having any experience in anything. My advice to those students is until you pay a 3rd of your income in taxes your time might be better spent keeping the UW in Playboy's top ten party schools. Just because you can regurgitate the liberal crap coming out of your professor's mouth, verbatim, doesn't make you worldy.
You can't debate a Liberal. We have facts on our side - they have Al Gore and Captain Kickass.
To that group trying to get the Socialist Party going - find someone else to hand out your flyers. I asked the guy 2 questions that he had no answer for..........and like Walker I dropped out of college. What does that tell you about the Socialist Party's chances?
Although the Union Cab company supports the Democrats - they apparently do not care about the emissions from their vehicles contributing to the global warming problem. They had a fleet of cabs driving around with signs and no passengers. Shame on you!
To the Liberal with the creative sign using the incandescent light bulb on it..........tsk tsk you should know that GE has worked hard to get those banned. That sign should have had a CFL on it.
On the teachers getting the fake excuses from the doctors on State Street - you should all be fired!
On the doctors handing out the fake excuses - you should have your licenses pulled!
On the 14 gutless - derelict Democrats - there should be a recall and you should be replaced!
These were just a few of my observations and thoughts from today's events.......have a great protest!
I think Scott Walker makes a lot of sense. Why shouln't the teachers pay more toward their pension and healthcare? It is also all about their money! A lot of people say take the money from the rich, well to some of us a lot of the teachers are rich! Everytime they go to get another degree, how much more do they make a year? Do they come back and teach any differently than they did before? Also, don't they get reimbursed for their extra schooling? That has to come out of the school's budget so when you have how many teachers deciding to go for another degree in one district combined and added to the budget that is now in the red, the school now has to layoff some of the teachers so that means the class size grows. Now the bigger the class the less individual time their is to spend with the student. Who suffers? The teacher? No, the student! When they are out demonstating for their union, who suffers? The teachers? They were laughing and joking and looking like they were having a gay old time so I'd say the students again. But remember, it's all about their students! Yeah, right! No, it's all about them and what they might lose!It's not about working with all the people in this state to make it a better place it's all about me, me, & me!The new teachers that just come out of college and might be really good at teaching get layed off and the ones that might not be good teachers but get paid a lot more because they have degrees are protected by the unions. Unions make it unfair to even negotiate fairly because of the money the school district has to work with. It's O.K. if they cram 30-40 kids in a classroom as long as they get what they want. Does it make any sense not to take more of the teachers that get paid less and have less kids in a classroom than to have less teachers and more kids? Then because their classrooms are so full they need teacher's aides to help them do the checking of papers and other related things, but remember the teacher is getting more money now, they just can't keep up! Aren't unions great? It's like PoetryInMotiom.